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Next Lilly Raider Football Reunion of Championship Teams: Sept. 4, 2022

Lilly Raiders, 1967, Champions of the Cambria County Grade School Football League

Last year, we had a start to some Lilly Raider football reunions by bringing together the undefeated championship teams from 1967, ’68, and ’69. We are going to continue this year by trying to find some of the players we were not able to contact last year and also include players from the 1964 and 1972 teams.

We know that two stars from the teams who were unable to be there in 2021 will attend this year. The first is the outstanding running back Joe Sweeney from 1967 and the outstanding tackle Bob Mardula from the 67 and 68 championship teams.

Both Joe and Bob went on to play in college, Joe at St. Francis and Bob at the University of Pennsylvania, Penn, after playing high school ball at Penn Cambria.

Lilly Raiders, Champions, 1968

I just wanted to get out the information now so that people could make reservations to attend.

This one will take place at the Lilly American Legion on Jones Street on Sept. 4 starting at 2 p.m. I am going to follow this by placing the names of the players on another post. Everyone who played on those teams is invited, along with wives, and even cheerleaders. We do need to have responses in order to determine how much food to order.

For more information, contact me at

Caption 1967

First Row: Pat McCoy, Chet Beres, Joe Sweeney, Bob Sloan, Dave Siris, Don Beck, Gary Nagy. Second Row: Stush Trybus, Jerry Segada, Denny Lazar, John Sweeney, Dave Stossel, Ronnie Sibis, and Dave McLucas. Third Row: Coach Paul Erzal, Coach Hugh Conrad, Tim Tickerhoof, John Saparo, Tony Stopka, Fred Bart, and Kevin Hite. Absent: Bob Mardula, Dave Lumbatis, Mike Saparo, Whitey McCabe, and Dan Sibis.

Caption 1968

First Row: Bob Mardula, Chet Beres, Gary Nagy, Coach Hugh Conrad, Pat McCoy, Dave Stossel, and Don Beck. Second Row: Joe Inman, Dave McLucas, John Sweeney, Kevin Hite, Joe Miesko, Ron Sibis, and Pat Erzal. Third Row: Don Hartline, Dave Monahan, Stush Tribes, Whitey McCabe, Tony Stopka, and Tom Sweeney. Fourth Row: Bill Clear, Mike Saparo, Joe Mardula, Ron Andraychak, Ray Trybus, Frank Plewa, and Dave Claar. Absent: Coach Paul Erzal, Jerry Segada, Tom Leap, Bob George, John Clinemyer.

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