Now they’re trying to rewrite “It’s a Wonderful Life”
Winter 2021 Reading List
Retired Pa. school teacher jailed in Florida after voting twice in 2020 election
Merriam-Webster:What was the 2021 "Word of the Year"?
“American Pie”: Dear Taylor Swift, You’re No Don McLean
Did Benjamin Franklin really want the turkey to be America’s national symbol, not the Bald Eagle?
Why did President Abraham Lincoln declare Thanksgiving to be a national holiday?
The memorable Thanksgiving 58 years ago at Arlington National Cemetery.
Great Salt Lake is now “a puddle”: A “death spiral”
Those Republicans who have called Dwight D. Eisenhower a “Commie” — today and in 1950
South Dakota prosecutors protected attorney general who killed pedestrian, but 67% want him gone
Crazies gather in Dealy Plaza — for a return of JFK Jr.?
My 2021 reading list has changed dramatically
“Thousands of women fought against the right to vote”: Now they are in Congress and on Supreme Court
Anti-Italian bias in Lilly in 1924 sent two innocent men to prison during KKK-riot era
Three years later: Remembering Hi Lariff, the Lilly businessman who taught me about Judaism
The missing link in the Ray Gricar case? Joe O'Kicki
Why has violence against local school board members become acceptable?
Colin Powell’s sterling reputation was forever damaged by disingenuous Republican warmongers
Release the JFK Assassination records now!: Forget the "national security" nonsense 58 years later